Stop Your Creditors from Taking Action and Get Back on Track Financially With the Help of a Debt Attorney in Norfolk, VA and the Surrounding Areas

Being deep in debt and being threatened by creditors with collection actions can be a frustrating and stressful experience. If you are unable to keep up with your bills and unsure of what you can do to stop the collection calls, contact Winchester, Pedigo PLC. Our debt defense attorneys advise clients on their options and represent clients in negotiations with creditors as well as civil lawsuits. A debt defense lawyer can analyze your financial situation and help you develop a plan to eliminate as much debt as possible. When you partner with our firm, you will work directly with an experienced attorney and get the personal attention you need to navigate your situation. We assist clients in Norfolk, VA and throughout the Hampton Roads region.  

You Can Partner With an Experienced Debt Defense Lawyer at Our Firm to Get a Personalized Solution That Meets Your Unique Needs

  • Old Tax Debt: We help our clients manage their debt and get IRS tax relief. Through Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy options, it is possible to stop IRS garnishment and IRS levy actions to obtain immediate relief. 
  • Toll DebtIt’s easy for a few missed tolls to rack up a large debt after fines and late payment penalties are added. We can help our clients negotiate toll debt settlements, especially when the problem stems from an issue with their EZPass account. One of the most common reasons for someone who owns an EZPass to unknowingly rack up toll debt is failing to update a credit card after it expires, is lost, is stolen, or is cancelled. 

If You Need Advice Now, Call Our Office and Speak With a Debt Defense Attorney Today

We oftentimes help clients eliminate other unsecured debts so that they can more easily make payments on their student loan debt. Regardless of what type of debts you have, we can advise you and help you create a plan to deal with them so that you can get your finances back on track. Contact us today to get a free consultation with an experienced debt attorney.


For more information on our services, please see our home page.


Are you struggling with mounting debts that you can’t keep up with?


Chapter 11 is a form of bankruptcy that involves restructuring finances in order to repay debts over time.

auction 1

Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows debtors who have a regular income to keep their assets and repay their debts over time.

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The information contained on this website is presented for informational and marketing purposes only and is not to be understood as legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice respecting your individual needs. Winchester, Pedigo  PLC looks forward to speaking with you about your particular needs. Please note, however, that the mere act of contacting our firm does not create an attorney-client relationship. As a result, you should never send any confidential information to our office until a Representation Agreement has been signed by both you and Winchester, Pedigo PLC. 

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